Traction Units

Our Traction Units are the most compact and space saving on the global market.

The core of the Traction Unit is always a high efficient motor by the latest brushless technology, paired with an optimized high quality planetary gearbox elegantly integrated in the wheel.

Electro-magnetic parking & emergency brake with optional manual release and encoder with proper outputs for motor control and safety speed supervision are the same integrated within the unit.

It‘s not about "Motor", it‘s about "TRACTION UNIT"

Steered Traction units

Omnidirectional Mobile Robots have the highest degree of flexibility and maneuverability and therefore require the most sophisticated drive systems among all Mobile Robots. 

We offer the world’s most COMPACT & HIGHLY INTEGRATED Steered-Traction units enabling our customers to build most compact, stable and safe Omnidirectional AGVs & AMRs. 

Steering Units

Compact, fast and safe Steering functionality is key for maneuverability of Autonomous Mobile Robots. 
We developed this unit following our main design philosophy; COMPACT & HIGHLY INTEGRATED and by sticking to the same promise; COMPLETE & SAFE.

Motor controllers

Traction motor controllers are the central element in every Mobile Robot taking care of proper motion control and actively collaborating in the system safety architecture.

Proper power rating, safety features, connectivity and programmability with friendly user interface are the key product requirements for Mobile Robotic applications.

Integrated Drive Systems

Everything from one hand and mind, who understands the Mobile Robotic applications, its challenges related to AGV/AMR drive systems and concerned industrial safety standards.

By providing the integrated Drive systems we help our customers optimize space and facilitate the certification of their AGV/AMRs on PLd.

Active Castors

Passive castors represent an obstacle to the precise control of Mobile robotic movements in practical terms. 

Undesired and uncontrolled movement, especially when changing the directions in bi-directional maneuvers could be a huge problem at precise positioning. Torque required on the traction wheels is typically over dimensioned particulary for the corner case, when a heavy loaded Mobile Robot needs to overcome the resistance of the blocked swivel wheel. 

Active castors are an elegant solution for improving maneuverabillity, reducing the energy consumption and increasing the vehicle safety